28 Oct. - 01 Nov. 2013
Marsella, Francia
Recientemente se ha informado sobre la celebración de un
macro-congreso, que tendrá lugar a finales de Octubre en Marsella,
Digital Heritage, constituido como una federación de congresos internacionales
de nuestro ámbito disciplinario, en el que nuestro congreso español Arqueológica 2.0 formará
parte, teniendo una participación activa en el programa organizativo y
The Congress covers heritage in all its forms, focusing around 5 heritage themes:
- Built Heritage (sites to cities, towns and cultural landscapes, ie World Heritage)
- Culture & Traditions (Intangible Heritage)
- Museums & Collections (movable objects and their museums, ie Movable Heritage)
- Libraries & Archives (books to maps, manuscripts, …, ie Documentary Heritage)
- Art & Creativity (digital / new media art to creative digital and online culture)
Whether you are a researcher or practitioner, a cultural or
digital professional, student or teacher, policy maker or vendor, we
invite you to participate. Attend, submit a paper or poster, propose a
panel or workshop, prepare a video or exhibit, or bring your product
The Congress’ International Scientific Committee is seeking:
- Technical & Application Papers
Posters & Short Works
- Panel, Workshop & Tutorial Proposals
Videos for a public screening
Functional Exhibits for a public exhibition of digital heritage works
Submissions are sought in the 6 Congress tracks spanning the challenges
and opportunities brought by digital technology to heritage:
Digitization track - Digital Documentation & Input
Analysis track -Digital Content Management & Analysis
Visualization track - Digital Presentation & Output
Projects track - Digital Heritage Solutions & Best Practices
Policy track - Digital Heritage Policy & Societal Issues
Key deadlines:
- June 9:
(mandatory for all papers); Panel/Workshop/Tutorial proposals due (notification Jun 1)
June 16:
Full Papers, Short Papers due (notification July 28)
July 28:
proposals due (notification Sept 1)
August 4:
Opening of Early Registration
Sept 15:
Final Camera Ready due for accepted works
Este congreso es único al unir los siguientes congresos en uno:
Encompassing the leading scientific events in digital heritage: | |
VSMM2013 – 19th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia | |
GCH 2013 – 10th Eurographics Symposium on Graphics and Cultural Heritage | |
MEMORY OF THE WORLD – 2nd UNESCO Int’l Conf. on Memory of the World in the Digital Age |
plus two major public exhibitions: | |
ARCHEOVIRTUAL – 7th Exhibition on Virtual Archaeology and Museums | |
DAW – 7th Digital Art Week |
Encompassing the leading scientific events in digital heritage: | |
ARQUEOLOGICA 2.0 – 5th Int’l Mtg. on Archaeology, Graphic Informatics, Cultural Heritage & Innovation | |
CIPA 2013 Special Workshop— ICOMOS/ ISPRS Heritage Documentation Workshop | |
CAA Fall Symposium – Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology | |
FROM SPACE TO PLACE – Special Workshop on Remote Sensing in Archaeology | |
| ICOMOS Digital Interpretation Panel — ICOMOS Int’l Committee for Heritage Interpretation & Presentation |
MUSEUM & TECHNOLOGY special session organised by V-MUST.NET |
as well as numerous European Project meetings: | |
EU PROJECTS special workshops ( V-MUST.NET, DARIAH, 3D-ICONS, Archeolandscapes , LinkedHeritage , ATHENA+) |
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