My favorite NYC Places

My favorite NYC Places

1- Heritage:

Morris-Jumel Mansion - Washington Heights

(My favorite place, the oldest building in Manhattan, just near our flat!)

The NY Met Cloisters - Inwood

Guastavino's vaults and domes:

City Hall- Street level

Called “the world’s most beautiful former subway station” by Forgotten NY. It was closed to passenger service on 1945 and after 9/11 security measures restricting access to the areas around City
Hall. Now, if you want to see it, there is only two possible ways:  

1- With the MTA Tour: "THE JEWEL IN THE CROWN: OLD CITY HALL STATION". For 40 $, some specific days on their calendar, you can see properly the station. (

2- Take the City Hall entrance above and go to the downtown platform of the green line. There wait until the train 6 stops, (last stop), and enter. You will go uptown instead of downtown, and if you keep looking on the right, (following the direction of the train), you will be able to see the famous station. But the station is dark and the train pass keep, so pay attention or you will miss it!

St. Bartholomew's Church - 5h Ave.:

St. John Cathedral:

Registry Hall - Ellis Island

Grand Central - Whispering Gallery:


Guastavino's Oyster Restaurant:

Bridge Market - Food Emporium:


Red & white houses:

2- New projects:

WTC/ replacement project: 


A space built on a space caused...

High Line/conservation project:


Just lovely!

4- Parks:

Central Park:

Riverside Park:

High Line Park:

5- Art & Culture:

Chelsea galleries:

Guggenheim Museum:

MET & Museum of Natural History:

6- Bridges:

Brooklyn bridge:

George Washington Bridge:

Queensboro Bridge - Guastavino

7- Food:

Guastavino's Oyster Restaurant

(Note: "18% GRATUITY ADDED FOR PARTIES OF 6 OR MORE". That means that the lovely waitress there is not going to be very friendly with you. Do not leave any tip on the bar!)

Hummus place - Vegetarian

Veintiotto - Italiano

El Basurero - Colombiano

Absolute Bagels - Best NYC authentic bagels

Pinche Taqueria - Mexican

Great NY Noodle Town - Chinatown

(Good price and a lot of food!)

Bareburguer - Grass-fed meats - Organic and All-Natural Cheeses:

 With lettuce bread!

 And interesting decoration

 Mooncake Foods:

 Delicious salmon

Tiffin delivery - 
Indian Buffet / vegetarian:

Sosa Borella - Italian/Argentine Cuisine:

Calamari salad!


8- Islands around Manhattan:

Rusverld Island:

Ellis Island:

Liberty Island:


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